There are many benefits of Sidr Fakhir(Wild) Baghiyah Honey from Hadramaut Yemen. It has a strong ability to kill various bacteria, even more powerful than the most powerful anti-microbial used by modern medicine today and without side effects like modern medicine.This honey is also antibiotic, antiseptic efficacious as a generator of stamina and treat disorders of the liver and stomach. If included in the daily diet, increase immunity, and efficacious for wounds due to infection, burns and wounds due to surgery. Furthermore it can be used as part of treatment for respiratory tract infections treat diseases caused by malnutrition, indigestion & constipation and of course to heal with the permission of Allah disease in the eye.
Harvested honey vs Wild honey ( Fakhir / Baghiyah)
First you have to know that Yemeni honey is the result of Harvested honey, whereas if Yemen honey comes from wild honey then it is called the term fakhir or there are also those who call kohouf which means cave.Honey that comes from wild or fakhir honey has a more expensive price, which can be 2 times the price of Harvested. Because Yemen's wild honey is very visible, the difference between the results of the honey and the honey of the livestock. It's just that fakhir honey is very difficult to find because fakhir honey lives in caves in Hadhramaut, South Yemen, so people who are looking for it have to really hunt for this fakhir honey.Apart from being difficult, demand for honey is also very high, so when we have final honey in stock, customers usually buy up everything immediately, so that it sells out.
Getting to know Yemen's Sidr Honey Grade
Sidr honey or better known in South Asian Countries as sidr baghiyah/bughyah/Fakhir has several grade levels, generally classified into 4 levels:
Honey sidr fakhir
Comes from wild sidr harvests, which are obtained from caves in the Daw'an valley. And this is the highest grade of all Yemeni sidr honey grades.
Sidr Malaki honey
It is sidr honey that comes from the last harvest during the livestock honey season and it is the highest grade honey for the Yemeni cattle honey, having more clarity and more fragrance than the lower class sidr honey.
Grade 1 Sidr honey
This is sidr honey which is taken in the second season of the sidr honey harvest, level 1 sidr honey below sidr malaki, with a slightly darker color, but from a taste point of view and others, at first glance there is no difference.
Grade 2 Sidr honey
It is sidr honey that is taken in the first season of the sidr honey harvest, and at the end of the mara'i season, so there is a possibility that the bees suck the sidr tree and the syaisabanah (mara'i) tree, so that the grade of this honey is called grade 2.